Sunday, April 29, 2018


  1. To present the FYP proposal in slide presentation on Presentation Day.
  2. To ensure Assessors understand about this project.

  1. Preparing the slide presentation.
  2. Referring FYP proposal for contents of the slides.
  3. Consult supervisor for more details on what information need to present to the assessors.
  4. Completing the slide presentation before the Presentation Day.
  5. On Presentation Day, the laptop to present the slide presentation is prepared at the allocated presentation desk early before the assessors arrived.

The following figures is the slide presentation and the picture of me taken while presenting to the assessor.

Slide Presentation

Picture of me being assessed


The presentation is carried out with no technical problem. The slides is presented completely even though there are certain problem regarding my slides. One of the problem while i'm being assessed is my Block diagram. One of the assessor seems do not completely understand about it until I explain to further slides. The second assessor questioning my chosen equipment to use to develop the quadruped robot. However, the presentation going well according to plan.


In conclusion, the objectives of this week is achieve. The slide presentation is completed before the Presentation Day. The information received from supervisor really helpful in order to complete my presentation slides. Both of the assessors is explained thoroughly of my Final Year Project. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018


  1. To survey cost of equipment need to build prototype of quadruped robot from website and electrical store.
  2. To calculate the maximum budget for all the equipment.
  1. Survey the equipment's standard price need to build the prototype from website store.
  2. Survey from near electrical store for the equipment price.
  3. Make a decision on choosing the right offer price and its quality. 
  4. Tabulate the choice equipment with it's price and the total budget.

After following the method, the equipment have been decide thoroughly. The estimate budget for building the prototype is list in the table below.

Budget Costing


From the result obtained, the total cost for all the equipment is RM414.00 . This total budget is the estimate total costing for the equipment. The total cost can be change if there is any update on the equipment price from time to time or if there is any additional equipment need. However, this total cost is the maximum budget for now.


In conclusion, this week objective is achieved. The total price for all equipment need to build this prototype is listed in the table above. The total cost for everything is calculated including the cost to print the 3D printed body part.

Saturday, April 14, 2018


  1. To prepare work plan for FYP 1 and FYP 2.
  2. To produce gantt chart for both semesters.
  1. Consult supervisor for advice on working plan.
  2. Preparing work plan to build prototype project.
  3. Produce a simplify gantt chart for both FYP 1 and FYP 2.

After consulting supervisor and set up for the working plan. Both gantt chart FYP 1 and FYP 2 is produced.

 Gantt Chart for FYP 1

Gantt Chart for FYP 2


The results show how my work flow for my Final Year Project. The gantt chart is produced using Microsoft Word 2010. FYP 2 gantt chart work flow is help from my supervisor on how my future work will be. 


In conclusion, the objectives for this week is achieved. Both gantt chart can be very helpful to keep me in track on my project work flow. The gantt chart has been simplify so that readers can understand my working progress.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


  1. To state if the project choose possible to develop.
  2. To understand the concept of developing the quadruped robot to a degree level student.
  1. Do a research on past journals or articles on developing a quadruped robot.
  2. Study any unfamiliar method to build a quadruped robot.
  3. Compare the standard for developing the quadruped robot to my level of studies.
  4. State if the project is possible or not to develop.

From research on Regis Hsu quadruped robot (state on week 6). The design of his quadruped robot can be achieve with hard work studies the concept. The design is not complicate for a degree level student. However, the project that I develop is using internet of things(IoT) so there will be a little problems to combine the project from Regis Hsu with IoT. Nevertheless, with the help of my studies on developing arduino program with IoT. This project is possible to be develop. The cost of making the project is not that expensive. The components that will be used is already carefully chose and discuss with my supervisor. Hence, there will be no problem regarding the cost.

The figure below shows the expected prototype that will develop.


From the result obtain, this project can be state as possible to develop. Even though, there will be a few problems such as coding arduino program with IoT and what type of power supply must be use so that the robot can carry. The problem can be solve with a hard work of studies on arduino programming and few reading on suitable power supply.


As conclusion, this project is possible to develop on a degree standard level. Thus, after stating and showing my supervisor that this project can be develop. I will continue on my work to produce gantt chart for my Final Year Project.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


  1. To study the controller operation of arduino and servo motor.
  2. To describe the input and output controller for quadruped robot.
  1. Search type of servo motor suitable to be use for quadruped robot.
  2. Search type of arduino suitable to be use with WiFi module to use for quadruped robot.
  3. Consult supervisor for advice on choosing components use to develop quadruped robot.
  4. Define the input and output controller of the quadruped robot.

This is the result that obtain after a few research for my project. The arduino that will be use is a NodeMCU Lua ESP8266 WiFi. The reason to choose this type of arduino because its an arduino built with WiFi module. 

NodeMCU Lua ESP8266

The servo motor that use is TowerPro 90SG 9gm 180degree micro servo motor because it is smaller compare to other type of servos since the quadruped robot will be develop small in size. The other reason it is cheaper. The material is plastic because the robot body is made up 3D printed model thus it is not heavy.

TowerPro micro servo SG90 9gm 180degree 

The input and output controller for this project is stated in the table below.

Wi-Fi Switch
Servo motors (12)
BLYNK smartphone application controller
BLYNK smartphone application display


The input and output controller is set with the help of my supervisor. The ON and OFF switch is connected to the robot itself so the power can be save when not in use. The BLYNK application will send a signal to the NodeMCU since it is built with WiFi module to turn ON the robot to operate. The NodeMCU will command the servo motors to rotate or moving the legs of the quadruped robot. Then, for each servos that operates will give a display to the BLYNK application.


In conclusion, this week objective cannot be achieve without the help of my supervisor and a few advice from him. The components choose is based on discussion with my supervisor. Thus this conclude that the objective for this week is achieve successfully.


OBJECTIVE To do corrections for chapter 1, 2 and 3. To compile all chapters. To complete the project thesis. METHODOLOGY Correc...