- To state if the project choose possible to develop.
- To understand the concept of developing the quadruped robot to a degree level student.
- Do a research on past journals or articles on developing a quadruped robot.
- Study any unfamiliar method to build a quadruped robot.
- Compare the standard for developing the quadruped robot to my level of studies.
- State if the project is possible or not to develop.
From research on Regis Hsu quadruped robot (state on week 6). The design of his quadruped robot can be achieve with hard work studies the concept. The design is not complicate for a degree level student. However, the project that I develop is using internet of things(IoT) so there will be a little problems to combine the project from Regis Hsu with IoT. Nevertheless, with the help of my studies on developing arduino program with IoT. This project is possible to be develop. The cost of making the project is not that expensive. The components that will be used is already carefully chose and discuss with my supervisor. Hence, there will be no problem regarding the cost.
The figure below shows the expected prototype that will develop.
The figure below shows the expected prototype that will develop.
From the result obtain, this project can be state as possible to develop. Even though, there will be a few problems such as coding arduino program with IoT and what type of power supply must be use so that the robot can carry. The problem can be solve with a hard work of studies on arduino programming and few reading on suitable power supply.
As conclusion, this project is possible to develop on a degree standard level. Thus, after stating and showing my supervisor that this project can be develop. I will continue on my work to produce gantt chart for my Final Year Project.
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